Week 1 of Couch 2 5k

As I said in my first post, I’ve been running for almost a year and a half, however inconsistently. But, due to my piriformis pain I haven’t run much since my half marathon in September. So, with my next half coming up in April, I’m getting back into running. The 12 week training cycle will start in early February but before that I want to build my basis back up. I decided to repeat the C25k program to use as my base. But, I also decided to use the program to act as my speed work. My training plan for the next 8 weeks will be: strength Monday/Friday, C25k Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday, long run Saturday, and cross train Sunday. In addition, I’m doing yoga every day. (I’m currently on day 8 of 30 days of yoga from yoga with Adriene.) 

While the week isn’t over yet, my C25k week is. I’m so proud of the hard work I put in this week! My comfortable running pace is usually around 5-5.2mph. Tuesday I did the walk intervals at 3mph and I pushed myself in the run intervals to go 6mph. Wednesday in the last two intervals I switched to 7mph half way through the run intervals. And today for every interval I did 6mph for the first 30sec and 7mph for the last 30sec. I don’t think I’ve ever run that fast before. It was only for 30seconds at a time but it was so fun! I had a big grin on my face during the fast part of my intervals. After I finished, I felt so accomplished and proud! So proud, in fact, that instead of my planned 1 mile long run, I’m going to try to double it this Saturday and run 2 miles without walk breaks. I’m not sure if I can do it but I’m going to try! 

~Unexpected Runner~

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